Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Khan el-Khalili

Khan el-Khalili

Khan el-Khalili

, one of the oldest markets in the Middle, a little older than 600 years, and still authentic architecture persists unchanged since the Mamluk era until now. Immigrated to him a large number of traders Palestinian city of Hebron and Sknoh and now has the community of folks Hebron inhabit it operates trade and them attributed Khan el-Khalili in Cairo has been named by that name proportion to its founder is one of the princes Mamluks and was named Yarkas Khalili, one of the city of Hebron

The first step on the land of Khan must be in Fishawi cafe, which is over the age of two hundred years, one of the oldest cafes in Cairo

Within the Khan al-Khalili

Khan el-Khalili district is one of the thirty-eight markets were in the days of the Mamluks in Cairo, Khan el-Khalili is located the center of the old city over the tombs of the Fatimid caliphs previously.The technique was presented by the goods in Old Cairo where she was Taatlasq markets and filled lanes Balhawwanat that displays the same goods at prices varying, is like Maicon exhibition lasting and durable goods different Mmajth an excellent opportunity for the buyer in the selected Mairead and choose the finest, and haggling and bargaining to get a more powerful and cheaper

Here goods of every type and color, gold, diamonds and silver to papyrus bearing words hieroglyphics and mascots and icons and poems Ghazlah, and engravings in blue tells the shorthand amazing beautiful tale love in history (story of Isis and Osiris) that accept them foreign tourists.In Khan el-Khalili keen women of all nationalities to buy (contract) from which dangle (Eye of Horus), and contracts are made from various ores

Photos of Khan al-Khalili