Sunday, January 27, 2013

Pyramid of Saqqara

Pyramid of Saqqara

Listed first royal tomb in history built between 2737 BC. AD - 2717 BC.. Located in Saqqara, south of Cairo
And is designed as a burial of Pharaoh Djoser by the Minister Imhotep in the form of six terraces above the tunnel descended to the burial site

This pyramid first known building a memorial made ​​of stones in the world, as evidenced by its name is a series of six levels of stone decreasing in size to that reach a height of 62 meters (200 feet) and its rectangular base measuring 390 -350 feet

The external shape of a pyramid of Saqqara

Shows the best form of the pyramid of the east side.
After the construction of the third phase, the process of making a pyramid real, and Kdastkhaddmt more than 200,000 tons of stone for building Almustptin additional figs and placed above the four existing, maker of it a pyramid with six degrees, and then added the face of limestone white on the north side of the pyramid.

Pyramid is one of the most significant impacts timeless remainder of the ancient Egyptians as first thing must be talking about is Mastaba this first bench when it was built for the first time has been built in order to be just a bench built of local stone covered with a layer of limestone was a height of about 26 feet and displayed 207 feet

Pictures of the pyramid of Saqqara