Friday, January 25, 2013

Azhar Mosque in Egypt

Azhar mosque in Egypt

Establishment of the mosque
Al-Azhar mosque 359 ~ 361 AH / 970 ~ 975 m is one of the most important mosques in Egypt, the most famous in the Muslim world. A collector and the University at the same time for more than a thousand years.Although it was established for the purpose of disseminating Shi'ism when Egypt was opened by the essence of Sicilian commander Muizz first Fatimid caliphs in Egypt, but it is currently taught by Sunni Islam. Having founded the city of Cairo embarked on the establishment of Al-Azhar mosque and completed in the month of Ramadan in the year 361 AH = 972 m is the first mosque constructed in the city of Cairo is the oldest impact the Fatemi based in Egypt.The historians have disagreed in the naming of this mosque, and it is likely that the Fatimids HH-Azhar named after Fatima Zahra daughter of the Prophet and anniversary tribute. [2] University School graduation preachers of the Fatimids, Aroyjoa of Ismaili Cieialve doctrine was the doctrine of the Fatimids.The establish Caliph Palace basis Muizz and the cornerstone of Al-Azhar Mosque in 14 Ramadan in the year 359 AH / 970 AD

The establish Caliph Palace basis Muizz and the cornerstone of Al-Azhar Mosque in 14 Ramadan in the year 359 AH / 970 AD

Form construction

Azhar was the first mosque was established in the city of Cairo, this was called the Mosque of Cairo. And was a dish, overlooked by three corridors, the largest gallery of Mecca. The area at the time of its inception approaching half of the area now. Then added a group of galleries, schools and niches and minarets, changed its features, what it was before. And his first building carried out by the Fatimid Caliph al-Hafiz to the religion of Allah. When grown in the area of ​​the hallway.In the Mamluk era hardest Mamluk sultans, after it had been closed in the Ayyubid. After Prince Azzedine Oedmr renew parts that cracked it. Included robbed parents of his name. And celebrated the establishment of Friday prayers on 18 March the year 665 AH / 19 of November 1266.
And celebrated the establishment of Friday prayers on 18 March the year 665 AH / 19 of November 1266.In the era of the Mamluk Sultan al-Nasir Muhammad, established the Prince Aladdin Taibrs Prince armies school Taiperseah year 709 H - 1309 m, and inflicted Al-Azhar Mosque. And established the Prince Aladdin Aqbugha of Princes Sultan al-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qalawun 740 AH / 1340 AD school Aloqubgaoih left door Almazinyen (the main door of the mosque) and niche Badie, and graceful Lighthouse. Prince essence established Alqnaqbaúa Khazendar Mamluk Sultan al-Ashraf core school Barsbay in the eastern end of the Whole. Includes four iwans. The largest iwan east and has a niche flour-made, above the dome plaid school. The Mamluk Sultan Bey Mahmoudi Circassian Mamluk era demolish the North West Steering door of the mosque. And stayed on his right year 873 AH / 1468 AD graceful minaret of the most beautiful minarets of Cairo, then the Mamluk sultan Qansouh Ghouri built minaret biceps, the highest minarets of Al-Azhar. The unique models of minarets Mamluk architecture
Photos of the mosque