Monday, January 21, 2013

Qaitbay Citadel in Alexandria

Qaitbay Citadel in Alexandria


This castle was built in the reign of Sultan King Qaitbay place the ancient lighthouse of Alexandria during the Mamluk period
The construction took two years.

Description Qaitbay Castle

Is a rectangular building 60 meters long and 50 meters wide
The castle was built on an area of 17550 meters

These are

 A group of fences divided in Surin of huge stones
 have a major tower located North West aspect
 The building consists of three floors square come from every corner of the staff, four circular towers rise above the main building was built tower limestone

Historical significance of the castle

Castle is one of the most important castles on the Mediterranean coast has cared rulers of Egypt over the centuries of historical In Mamluk care Sultan Qansuh Ghouri castle keen interest and it grew from a garrison force and shipped to the teeth.
The Ottomans used this fort to protect it Fjalo denominations of soldiers, infantry and cavalry.
When he took Muhammad Ali ruled the country attaches to renew and strengthen the walls of the castle and provided them with guns.

Role of the Commission save Arab effects

Has the Commission for the Conservation of the work of many Arab effects of reforms and renovations to the walls and floors of the castle